A lesson in thwarting democracy as Trump visits Europe – and Putin

Donald Trump is heading to Helsinki next week to meet with Vladimir Putin. The meeting will raise suspicions among those who believe Trump was aided by Russia in the 2016 presidential election. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
BY John Colarusso
July 11, 2018
Donald Trump will soon travel to Helsinki to have his first summit with Vladimir Putin. Apart from satisfying the American president’s insatiable need for attention, there is no obvious reason for this meeting, no pressing issues that can be settled to the advantage of the United States.
One could assume that Putin is hoping for a meeting much like the one enjoyed by Kim Jong Un — Trump will make dramatic concessions for no reason other than the compulsion to sound grand.
By seeking to meet with Putin while still under the cloud of Russian involvement in the U.S. election, Trump is feeding into suspicions about Russian influence on his presidency.
The intelligence community has concluded Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, a finding endorsed by the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Special counsel Robert Mueller has issued indictments and hints at more to come, but legal matters must be done carefully and are therefore slow. But what we know already is sufficient to give us insight into Putin’s subversive actions against the United States.
As an expert in U.S.-Russia relations who advised the Bill Clinton White House, I know a bit about subversion. And Putin’s actions, to me, are as plain as the nose on your face.
Russian use of social media to manipulate American opinion has been well documented. But what’s happened since the election is just as problematic. There are those who believe Trump continues to be compromised by Russia and that he is, in effect, a “stooge” for Putin.
How to thwart democracy
What could Mueller be looking for as he examines whether Trump might have ties to Russia? And could such a scenario really be possible — that the president of the United States is beholden to Russia? Based on my experience in watching how Russian espionage works, a few things would need to play out for such a scenario to exist.
First you have to “buy” your stooge. You must make him an offer that he cannot refuse. This might mean cash, threats of compromising material and promises of future advantage, such as a big fancy hotel project in Moscow.
The trickier part is the payoff. This must be done through a conduit, someone discreet and conniving at the same time. If you were dealing with the Mafia, your natural conduit would be the consigliere, a lawyer-like adviser. (Think Robert Duvall in the Godfather movies). Such an individual would have unwavering loyalty to the target and also look clean enough not to attract too much suspicion.
Any payoff must be carefully passed on to crucial members of the stooge’s party so their election platform conforms to your interests and so your investment is protected after he is elected.
And then there is the media. Facebook and other social media platforms are now known to have been used as tools, but television is still a dominant medium. A propaganda organ would be necessary to protect your investment as well.
Finally, Mueller would be looking for others who might either directly help a stooge or at least help maintain the social chaos essential to his survival.
For example, if there are any other prominent organizations in the target country that might have strong appeal to those who have voted your stooge into power, such as associations and some influential industries, then a little money to them would be money wisely spent.
Mueller keeps us guessing
Mueller’s investigation has shown us a bit of the sordid network in which Trump is embedded, but the slow pace has left most of us guessing.
I have not named names. But it should be easy for anyone who has been following the Trump debacle to plug in names if allegations prove true that he is, in fact, compromised by the Russians: The conduit, those who control Republican party finances and the legislators who have acted to enable Trump.
Has Trump been a useful idiot, as the Russians call their stooges?
Read more: Trump’s act of state terrorism against children
Trump is a man who confuses cruelty with strength, and as such could have potentially been an ideal agent for Putin’s needs to marginalize the U.S. Indeed, by initiating trade wars and affronting the G7 (now, in essence, the G6), Trump has weakened the entire West.
It was the most effective way of doing so, since outright warfare is impractical. As Trump goes first to NATO before his meeting with Putin, there are concerns the president will do to NATO what he did to the G7 — thereby weakening the only alliance that has a prospect of deterring any Russian future military moves. At the summit with Putin, Trump could recognize Crimea as part of Russia and hand to Putin a formal victory in Syria.
A daring de-Trump proposal
What happens next? The Democrats may carry the day in the November mid-term elections and initiate impeachment proceedings against Trump. Mueller may reveal more corruption and collusion, forcing Trump to resign. Both prospects are far enough ahead that Trump will have done much more damage by then.
Because it’s clear Russia corrupted the 2016 election, the entire process was therefore tainted and not legitimate. The conclusions are simple. There are mounting allegations that Trump is not a legitimate president (something recently suggested, reluctantly, by former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper) and is a strategic danger to the nation (something put forward by retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey, the most decorated living American general).
Trump’s status as 45th president must be cancelled and everything he has done must be annulled: Tariffs, ensuing trade wars, judiciary appointments starting from the Supreme Court on down, tax changes, separation of children from their parents and anything else that owes its inception to his bogus authority.
This may sound quite drastic to many, but the logic is simple and the circumstances dire. Julius Caesar once said that “all bad precedents begin as justifiable measures.” The U.S. now finds itself in a Roman-like predicament: Something must now be done to stop the damage that Trump is doing to his country and to the world.
John Colarusso, Professor of Languages and Linguistics and Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, McMaster University
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.