Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) awards nearly $3.3M to eleven McMaster researchers

BY Lori Dillon
August 11, 2021
Eleven McMaster researchers have been awarded nearly $3.3M from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) to advance their work in health, materials and electrification research.
The awards were announced today by the Honourable Francois-Philippe Champagne. Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry.
The funding, made through CFI’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF), helps universities attract and retain top research talent from around the world by providing researchers with the highly specialized infrastructure they need to be leaders in their field.
Recipients include:
Faculty of Engineering
Bilgen Berker, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Project: An Acoustic Noise and Vibration Measurement Facility for Low-noise and High-efficiency Electric Motor Drives
- Award: $200,000
Ryan Lewis, Engineering Physics
- Project: Advanced Epitaxial Nanostructures and Materials Laboratory
- Award: $190,584
Zahra Keshavarz-Motamed, Mechanical Engineering
- Project: Developments of Diagnostic and Predictive Tools and Regulatory Device Testing Machines for Cardiovascular Diseases
- Award: $185,000
Maureen Lagos Paredes, Materials Science & Engineering
- Project: Momentum-resolved EELS Spectroscopy of Beam-sensitive Nanoscale Materials
- Award: $387,788
Faculty of Health Sciences
Lisa Carlesso, Rehabilitation Science
- Project: Understanding Pain Mechanisms and Management in Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation
- Award: $129,000
Michael McGillion, Nursing
- Project: Improving Perioperative and canceR Outcomes Through Excellence and appliCation of Virtual Technologies (PROTECT) Lab
- Award: $800,000
Ishac Nazy, Medicine
- Project: Investigating Novel Mechanisms in Immune-mediated Platelet Disorders
- Award: $160,000
Michael Surette, Medicine
- Project: Metagemomics and Genomics of the Microbiome, Infectious Disease and Host Response
- Award: $650,000
Faculty of Science
Katherine Bujold, Chemistry & Chemical Biology
- Project: Establishment of Nucleic Acid Nanomedicine Laboratory at McMaster University
- Award: $75,005
Katrina Choe, Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
- Project: Neural Mechanisms Linking Autism-risk Genes with Impaired Social Behavior
- Award: $400,000
Jeremy Walsh, Kinesiology
- Project: Integrative Psychophysiology Research Lab
- Award: $100,000
John R. Evans was the founding dean of McMaster’s Faculty of Health Sciences (1965-1972) and the CFI’s first Board Chair.