Engineering professor John Luxat appointed senior advisor on nuclear energy

Engineering physics professor and nuclear safety expert John Luxat is bringing five decades of experience in the field of nuclear energy to a new role as Senior Advisor — Nuclear Energy in the Office of the Vice-President, Research.
September 1, 2022
Engineering physics professor and nuclear safety expert John Luxat is bringing five decades of experience in the field of nuclear energy to a new role as Senior Advisor — Nuclear Energy in the Office of the Vice-President, Research.
“My new position in the OVPR — working with AVP Nuclear, Dave Tucker — will allow me to translate this accumulated experience to support McMaster’s leading-edge research in nuclear energy,” Luxat says.
“I am also excited by the opportunity to renew personal relationships with many friends and colleagues, both in Canada and abroad, that I have established over the years.”
Luxat holds the Senior UNENE Industrial Research Chair in Nuclear Safety Analysis. He obtained his BSc and MSc in electrical engineering from the University of Cape Town, and his PhD from the University of Windsor.
In 2004, he joined McMaster’s department of engineering physics, where he teaches courses in advanced nuclear engineering and conducts research on nuclear reactor safety, accident modelling and analysis and nuclear fuel cycles.
Luxat is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, a member and immediate past chair of the International Nuclear Energy Academy, and a member of the Canadian Nuclear Society and the American Nuclear Society, a Registered Professional Engineer in Ontario. He served on the board of directors of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. from 2008 to 2013.
“For nearly two decades with our faculty, John has demonstrated admirable commitment to nuclear safety research and education,” says Heather Sheardown, dean of Engineering.
“A distinguished leader in the field, John has tirelessly promoted the advancement of nuclear at McMaster and prepared our graduate and undergraduate students for a future in nuclear engineering. John will be a crucial asset to the University in his new role.”
In his new role, Luxat will support McMaster’s Assistant Vice-President, Research (Nuclear) Dave Tucker in developing and executing strategic plans to promote and enhance McMaster’s reputation for innovation in nuclear energy research and education — locally, nationally and internationally.
Luxat will provide advice on identifying, developing and pursuing nuclear energy-related initiatives and partnerships. He will also work with the university’s associate deans to identify ways to strengthen undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities related to nuclear energy.
“John’s appointment represents an excellent opportunity for McMaster’s nuclear program,” says Tucker. “The University will benefit tremendously from his illustrious reputation, years of experience and extensive network of contacts in the Canadian and international nuclear industry.”
McMaster is a world-leader in nuclear research and innovation and home to a unique suite of nuclear research facilities, anchored by the McMaster Nuclear Reactor and the Centre for Advanced Nuclear Systems, which enable discoveries in medicine, clean energy, nuclear safety and environmental science.
McMaster is studying the feasibility of deploying a small modular reactor (SMR) on the university campus or an affiliated site. With research programs that will support the manufacturing, deployment and utilization of SMRs in integrated energy systems and train the next generation of Canadian nuclear experts, the university is at the forefront of Canada’s academic community in nuclear energy.