McMaster researchers awarded $19M in federal funding

BY Lori Dillon
June 17, 2020
The federal government is investing more than $19M in McMaster to support science and engineering research.
The funding, announced today by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), will support 83 McMaster researchers through the agency’s Discovery Grants program. Discovery grants support ongoing research with long-term goals and provide researchers the flexibility to pursue promising avenues as they emerge.
In addition to their Discovery Grants, the following researchers were awarded supplemental funding:
Jim Cotton (Mechanical Engineering) received a Discovery Accelerator Supplement of $120,000 over three years, in recognition of his well-established research program and potential to become an international leader in his field.
Sean Carey (Geography and Earth Sciences) received a Northern Research Supplement of $90,000 over five years, recognizing the added costs unique to conducting research in the Canadian North.
Eleven McMaster researchers were awarded the Discovery Launch Supplement, a one-year supplement of $12,500 for early-career researchers:
- Mohamed Ezzeldin (Civil Engineering)
- Berker Bilgin (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
- Ryan Lewis (Engineering Physics)
- Alemu Gonsamo (Geography and Earth Sciences)
- Baraa Al-Khazraji (Kinesiology)
- Dylan Kobsar (Kinesiology)
- Noah Forman (Mathematics and Statistics)
- Siyuan Lu (Mathematics and Statistics)
- Jennifer Stearns (Medicine)
- Anthony Rullo (Pathology and Molecular Medicine)
- Gabriel (Naiqi) Xiao (Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour)
Karen Mossman, acting vice-president, research, says the federal government’s investment is critical to the ongoing success of McMaster’s research enterprise.
“Discovery grants lay the foundation for what’s to come,” she says. “They pave the way for knowledge creation and innovation and provide the resources to train the next generation.”