Next steps for Business Intelligence project

June 19, 2017
McMaster is making progress in ongoing efforts to improve access to institutional data and information.
A team based in Institutional Research and Analysis (IRA) is building the University’s new Business Intelligence (BI) initiative. When complete, it will allow McMaster leaders and others access to information from a variety of areas and improve informed decision-making.
“It is becoming increasingly important that we are able to access accurate information quickly and reliably,” says Jacy Lee, AVP Institutional Research and Analysis. “We have significant reporting obligations and this initiative helps improve the availability of data. It will also provide decision-makers with the up-to-date information they need to consider options and finalize choices.”
The first phase of the BI project provides dashboards involving McMaster’s Research awards. The group worked with colleagues across campus and in the Office of VP Research to understand the specific business requirements, needs of campus leaders and infrastructure required to allow users to access information on funding of our research activities.
Deans, Associate Deans and directors of administration provided important and valuable feedback and were integral to the design of the BI dashboards.
In the coming week, the Research Awards module will be made live and a group of initial users will have access to dashboards. Towards the end of summer, a Research Accounting module will be launched.
“This is the first step towards our wider launch,” Lee says. “It’s important for us to work with the community as we implement this first step towards our wider BI initiative.”