PCR tests that use McMaster Molecular Medium now available in Hamilton

Four area pharmacies are offering PCR tests that use the medium, which prevents lab-acquired infections by rendering the virus behind COVID-19 inert.
March 1, 2022
Hamiltonians can now buy a fast asymptomatic COVID-19 test that uses a product developed right here by local researchers.
Good To Go Test (GTGT) screening services’ PCR test kit, which is now available in Hamilton, uses McMaster Molecular Medium (MMM), which deactivates any COVID-19 virus to prevent lab-acquired infections, and speeds up the testing process.
The transport medium was first developed in early 2020 by David Bulir, assistant professor of pathology and molecular medicine, and scientists from McMaster and the Research Institute of St. Joe’s Hamilton’s Disease Diagnostics and Development Group.
The Bay Area Health Trust, which helped commercialize the medium, operates GTGT and licensed MMM.
“After witnessing MMM’s rollout in testing centres across the province, it is truly exciting to see it in a real sense come back home to Hamilton, where this home-made product will facilitate fast and easy asymptomatic testing for students, faculty, staff and the local public,” said Catriona Franc, Bay Area Health Trust’s manager of business operations.
“By launching Good To Go Test using MMM, we are expanding its reach and visibility across the Hamilton area and really providing a much-needed service.”
Key to its successful rollout were student interns from McMaster’s Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization program tasked with securing MMM’s patent. With the patent pending, Bay Area embarked upon its regulatory journey for MMM’s use in testing labs.
While MMM renders COVID-19 viruses inert, it also keeps viral genetic material stable for testing. This is especially vital at times when testing is in high demand, such as during the Omicron outbreak.
As of this week, GTGT is providing PCR testing at four Hamilton-area pharmacies, with plans to expand, Franc said.
GTGT test results come with a certificate or QR code, which can be presented for inspection at schools, workplaces, points of travel and private functions, Franc said.
PCR test fees are $150 for same-day and $145 for next-day results, plus tax. Rapid antigen tests are $50 before tax and there are no cancellation or rebooking fees.
Anyone using the MAC10 promo code while booking can receive a 10 per cent discount until May 31. Visit www.GoodToGoTest.ca.