Strengthening the Foundations of Canadian Research: New Federal Science Review Released

April 11, 2017
Strengthening the foundations of Canadian research is the focus of a new report by a federal advisory panel released April 10th commissioned by Federal Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan.
“Canada has the potential to be an increasingly important international partner and leader in research,” said McMaster’s Vice-President, Research Rob Baker. “Research strengthens our health, our economy and our society and universities like McMaster are committed to working with the government to bring the benefits of research to all Canadians.”
The report, Investing in Canada’s Future: Strengthening the Foundations of Canadian Research, was led by former University of Toronto president David Naylor and provides a blueprint to build excellence in university-led research across disciplines. The report includes recommendations to boost financial support for research.
According to Baker, “The Report highlights the opportunities for a new discussion about how best to support innovative discoveries across every type of research. We now have to take some time to more fully understand the details of the recommendations and then determine how we can work in partnership with the government to advance our shared goals to strengthen university research and research outcomes.”
McMaster was part of the consultation process as the report was being developed. More than 1200 written submission were received by the Panel.
In releasing the report Minister Duncan said, “I look forward to reviewing the panel’s recommendations and will continue listening to and engaging in an open and thoughtful way with Canada’s research community as we collectively work toward the goal of ensuring that federal support for fundamental research is strategic and effective, and meets the needs of all Canadians.”